A great storyteller can pull you in and make you forget everything else that is going on around you. They make
you feel empathy and conviction for things that really matter. Life lessons are revealed with each word, and
you walk away wanting to change and just be a better human.
Jesus is that kind of storyteller.
Jesus is indeed the master storyteller and there is nothing better than Story Time with Him. When Jesus starts
talking, it’s time to listen. Because, Jesus teaches me important things.
January Curriculum:
Week One (January 2)
Today’s Bible Story: Jesus teaches us that God loves us, no matter
what. Prodigal Son • Luke 15:11-24
“The crowds were amazed at his teaching.” Matthew 7:28, NIV
Key Question: Who teaches you important
Bottom Line: Jesus teaches me
important things.
Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my
friend forever.
Story Focus: Jesus teaches us God loves us no matter
what. Week one, Jesus will teach us that God loves us
no matter what. The older our preschoolers get, the
more valuable this lesson will become. Jesus teaches
us about God’s love through the story of the prodigal
son. The father and son in this story give us a beautiful
picture of God’s unchanging love for us.
Week Two (January 9)
Today’s Bible Story: Jesus teaches us that we are important to God. The Lost Sheep • Luke 15:3-7
“The crowds were amazed at his teaching.” Matthew 7:28, NIV
Key Question: Who teaches you important
Bottom Line: Jesus teaches me
important things.
Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my
friend forever.
Story Focus: Jesus teaches us we are important to
God. Next, Jesus will teach us that we are important
to God, much like sheep are important to a shepherd.
What does a shepherd do to show that their sheep are
important to them? They care for them, protect them,
feed them, and even go looking for them when they are
Week Three (January 16)
Today’s Bible Story: Jesus teaches us that we can share our stuff. Bigger Barns • Acts 2:45; Luke 12:16-21
“The crowds were amazed at his teaching.” Matthew 7:28, NIV
Key Question: Who teaches you
important things?
Bottom Line: Jesus teaches me
important things.
Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my
friend forever.
Story Focus: Jesus teaches us we can share our stuff.
Week three, Jesus teaches us that we can share our stuff.
Jesus could have just told us, “Hey, share your stuff.”
But instead, He tells a story of a man with big barns
filled with food, deciding to build bigger barns to store
all of his leftovers. Jesus teaches us not to hoard things,
but to share them.
Week Four (January 23)
Today’s Bible Story: Jesus teaches us to help others. Good Samaritan • Luke 10:25-37
“The crowds were amazed at his teaching.” Matthew 7:28, NIV
Key Question: Who teaches you
important things?
Bottom Line: Jesus teaches me
important things.
Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my
friend forever.
Story Focus: Jesus teaches us to help others. Then,
Jesus teaches us to help others. You would think this
one would be something we could figure out on our
own, but Jesus knew we would need to be taught this as
well. Knowing His audience had a hard time accepting
all people, He tells the story of the Good Samaritan.
This man, whom people did not think would do the right
thing, is the only one who stops to help an injured man.
We can help everyone, even those who are different
than us.
Week Five (January 30)
Today’s Bible Story: Jesus teaches us how to live. House on a Rock • Matthew 7:24-27
“The crowds were amazed at his teaching.” Matthew 7:28, NIV
Key Question: Who teaches you
important things?
Bottom Line: Jesus teaches me
important things.
Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my
friend forever.
Story Focus: Jesus teaches us how to live. We will
end the month with one last story from Jesus—the
house built on a rock. Jesus uses this illustration to
teach us that wisdom is always the best foundation for
life. Bad weather can come and go and nothing will
wash away what you have built a foundation of wisdom.
But, foolishness, well, that’s like a foundation of sand.
Whatever you’re building is not going to stand for long.
When we live the way Jesus taught us to live, we are
building our lives on a foundation of wisdom, and it will
stand strong.